Today our team had an opportunity to witness to younger kids. Our previous ministry had mostly focused on high school aged ,students bust today we spent our time with kids between the ages of four and twelve. We used a Vacation Bible School program at two churches, one in Barranca and one in Tarcoles. At the Barranca location we saw many familiar faces who were willing to jump into our activities and encourage everyone else to join. We started off playing games with a giant parachute which amped up everyone's energy level. Alexa and Josue led us in dancing to some VBS songs and some of the other team members even joined in. After an epic game of sharks and minnows, Elizabeth and Maria taught a Bible story, the parable of the lost coin. We helped the kids memorize Luke 19:10 and then led everyone through a fun origami craft. Everybody left with smiles on their faces and many hugs.

The team even had the opportunity to be tourists for 45 minutes in one of the local gift shops! We browsed t-shirts, magnets, wood carvings, post cards, and jewelry for family and friends. It was fun to take some time out of the busy week to attain some fun souvenirs!

Once again, the team was challenged during our Bible time to go past merely sharing God's word and abandoning those to whom we minister. We've been reminded that we are called to abandon everything we have in this world to make disciples for Christ. Each team member has been encouraged the past two nights to think of specific people in their lives with whom they need to either continually share the Gospel, or with whom they need to continue to disciple. We started and concluding the evening with a powerful time of worship.
A change in schedule has occurred for our last couple of days. Originally we were going to minister in an elementary school on Monday, but there was a cancellation. Instead, the team will have their free day tomorrow and minister in a different elementary school on Tuesday. Pray for safety as we travel to our tourist destination tomorrow, and pray that each of us will appreciate the beautiful creation we observe in our explorations!