We had an early start to the day today! We had breakfast at 7:00 and loaded the bus up to travel to a new location! We arrived at a church in Orotina, Costa Rica at around 9:00.
When we arrived, we unloaded the bus and immediately started working. We dug a trench alongside the road in front of the church. Especially in the rainy season, Costa Rica has a lot of water on the streets. To help with drainage, trenches and water pipes line most roads.

After we dug out a considerable amount of dirt, we went inside to learn some new songs for VBS. Once materials arrived, we went back outside to continue work on the drainage system. A large truck arrived with concrete half-pipes that we would place in the trench. They also brought many 100-pound bags of cement. We mixed the cement in the street with dirt and water. With the cement, we started laying a foundation for the tubing in the trench. Although we were unable to finish, we were able to complete a considerable portion of the labor.
In the afternoon, we had two groups come for VBS. We used a very similar VBS schedule as the past two days. However, rather than the program taking a full day, each session took about an hour.

We departed the church for Camp Brittney around 4:40. We were able to enjoy an evening with few tasks and were able to relax after a long day of work. In the evening, some of the team went to the supermarket to pick up snacks and coffee. When they returned, we had a team meeting.
Tomorrow we will be traveling to various scenic destinations for our free day! Please pray for safety and that even in our free time we will find ways to bring glory to God.