Our first day (travel day) was fast paced. This morning the Costa Rica team met at the Columbus airport at 5:00 AM! It was slow going, but we managed to get our bags checked, work through security, and make it to our gate so we could immediately start boarding.
The flight to Houston was smooth, although it started late giving us just enough time to race through the airport to our next flight to San Jose. Because of

little to no time between flights, the team didn't have time to grab food during the layover. But no one complained, and the team kept up a joyful disposition! One of the flight attendants remarked how polite and respectful the team was before, during, and after one of our flights! As leaders, we are thankful that God has allowed the team to see that their mission trip started even before reaching their official destination.
After completing customs in San Jose, the team immediately went to grab food! To start off the new cultural experience right, we went to the local Wal-Mart! After we arrived at Camp Brittney, we unloaded the luggage and supplies, and the team immediately went into orientation in preparation for teaching ESL class for the next three days. Everyone is tired from a very long day of travel and work, but spirits are high and everyone is excited to begin working in the school tomorrow!
Please pray for good rest tonight and full energy tomorrow. Breakfast is a 6:00 sharp so we can begin our hour and a half trek to the first school. Pray that those who we minister to will have open hearts and minds. Pray for confidence in our team members as they will be stretched out of their comfort zones tomorrow!